Friday, January 24, 2020

Trending the Future! November 2012

Brit Collins
Nov 2012
Word count: 562

As we say au revoir to 2012, let us pause and reflect on the trends that affected both our realities.  2012 was a year of change for both the real world and Second Life®.  A year of fluctuation; whether it was earthquakes and unusual weather patterns, or the concern that the Mayan calendar could be heralding the end of the world as we know it. We had the 2012 Summer Olympics hosted in London, England where USA swimmer Michael Phelps retired with a world-best 18 Olympic golds. Technology took leaps and bounds with touch tablets and voice-controlled phones. Apple showed everyone that even the loss of its icon and founder, Steve Jobs, in 2011 was not enough to stop its progress as the computing leader. We looked to the unrest in the Middle East with trepidation and concern, wondering how these events will change the world.
In Second Life we saw the release of mesh 3D viewers and how it evolved into every aspect of our virtual lives. We overcame strife and diversity caused by widespread panic of griefers and cyberbullying. Linden Labs® moved its engine to the game platform known as Steam were over 40 a million users could access its software on other terminals such as the PS3.
2013 will also bring enhancements to the touch tablet showing that there is indeed a future where the mouse is obsolete. Gamers have much to look forward to with the release of Sony’s PS4 Orbis and Xbox 720 Durango. When we saw the release of the PS3 we saw the innovative design and play in the form of integrating Bluetooth technology and 3D design with online playing power. The ability to reach out and play games such as World of Warcraft, Star Wars, and yes, even Second Life, may one day soon be available on gaming consoles such as these.
So with all this said and done what can we look forward to in 2013?  Fennux! Yes, these little creatures, the newest in breedable, will be sweeping the grid. These newest in a long line of breedable will bring a new and fun way to interact with cyber-enhanced creatures. 
The release of the mesh physics engine in Second Life will allow the mesh to be adapted to the avatar’s form and body type.  What will this mean for our daily virtual lives?  Designers can look forward to a more immersive 3D engine that allows for greater creativity and adaptability.  Consumers will look forward to clothing that will adjust to their personal size and not have to worry whether or not the item they purchased will fit or if they will need to change their body to match their clothes. Imagine buying an outfit from your favorite designer and knowing you will not have to try to figure out if your avatar is one of five sizes provided. 
We also saw the creation and release of the petite mesh avatar and watched as this newest mania swept the grid, from content creators to designers, and finally sims and events based around this phenomenon.
The future is right around the corner and where we go from here is truly a statement of mankind’s intent to boldly go where no man has gone before. Look to the future in both virtual and reality and watch as the lines begin to blur as we go forward.  Welcome, 2013!

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