Friday, January 24, 2020

ManiStyle: September 2012

Men! Men! Men!  This month we are focusing on that all-important Mars while Venus takes a trip to the day spay for much-needed relaxation.  It is that time of year again in Second Life® in which we celebrate the Men of Style, the content creators who help to bring these virtual visions to life, and the men who use the tools of our virtual world to place their mark upon it.  Here in Mani style, we are going to look at the influence of real-life men’s fashion and how it has helped to take the Virtual Man from the dark ages of fashion and brings him forward to stand in his own spotlight.  In the past, the male avatar was always overshadowed by the female when it came to fashion.  This is no longer the case. 

Men's Fashion in our virtual domain has always been an area in the past that was lacking, both in content and designers.  Though in the past two years we have seen many designers spring forward, creating garments that not only reflect the Virtual Man but also what the latest trends in fashion wear for men from such top designers in real life as Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein, Giorgio Armini, Prada, Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren & Gucci just to name a few.  These top fashion houses are known in reality for elegant suits, accessories, casual wear, sportswear, and even beauty.  We are all familiar with the now-famous Hugo Boss Slogan ‘Who’s the Boss.” with an elegantly attired man in a well-tailored suit.  Showing the epitome of the Corporate man as someone with power and strength. Calvin Klein brought the male model into focus giving him sex appeal and made him a figure to strive for.  Armani leads the way for the Male formal attire, bringing danger and elegance to a man in a black tux.  Now we see how these influences show in Second Life, even more so with the establishment of the Mesh 3D Models for designing.  We have Utopia, iNEDIT and Hoorenbeck establishing themselves as design houses who bring a sense of realism to their designs.  Egoisme, Gabriel’s and Kal Ru all known for their casual wear for men bring the same sex appeal one would find from the Calvin Klein Label.  Low cut jeans, well-fitted shirts.  Accessories made to stand out and compliment the man not overwhelm. Kmadd brought us men’s beauty with their various hair, eye, and skins.  GOS changed how we would look at men's footwear with the release of their [DOCS] boots. 

Be warned ladies.. a new age in fashion design has given birth in our virtual realm.. this is the Age of Man and he is making himself known.

For Casual wear and accessories, you may enjoy a visit to the following links:

If you are looking for suits or a more formal attire you may be interested in the following stores:

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