The children. Their thoughts. Their beauty. Their artistic talent. The children are our future. They are ours to protect, cherish, mold and guide. Each child a blessing and a gift. A smile as precious as the rarest of jewels. It is our responsibility to the children to do all that we can to ensure their future, for without them we have no future.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends and honored guests. Allow me just a moment to say to you all, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I cannot tell you how much everyone’s work on this project to help the orphans of the Nest Rescue Centre in Western Kenya has meant to me. I started this idea, with a vision of having two or three small shows, and I must admit I am overwhelmed by the generosity and open hearts everyone has welcomed this project with, allowing it to grow into what you see today. I am overjoyed to think about what an impact we are about to make on these beautiful children, allowing them to have a better life. Providing them better food, better opportunities, and a lot of smiles! Alone, I can’t change the world. I am but a drop. But together, we have made an ocean of many drops. Every single person has contributed so much and with such an open heart, not only with time but the lindens that we are about to raise with this series of events that will help the Nest Rescue Centre. Thank you to everyone who has worked so endlessly to make this happen. I am so happy and proud at this moment in time." - Mimmi Boa, Miss Virtual World 2009 & Head of the Maseno Project II BOSL Event
The Maseno Charity Project is a unique story to unfold. One that told of humbleness, poverty, giving, and charity. It all began with a single man who was a simple farmer and father, yet took it upon himself to change the lives of many children. To give them hope and a future. John Okili, farmer, husband, and father, was taking his daily walks about his village. He would notice during these walks the number of destitute children without care and homes. Malnourished, unclothed, no one giving them proper care. It touched the father in him and the human soul to see children without smiles and laughter in their eyes. Their souls depleted. He became determined to help these children in any small possible way to bring the light back into their hearts. John Okili, is a religious man and consulted with Mama Fanny Mundia, where he sat in prayer and talks before approaching his church for help. He didn't expect large changes as his church and community were not wealthy by any means. In fact economically it was considered poor. Yet in his mind, John felt the children came first and something must be done. A lot of these children had been orphaned due to medical loss such as HIV/AIDS or other maladies. To even be able to feed them in his mind would be a small blessing. When John approached his parish church, All Saints Esabalu, he found that the church agreed. Poor though the parish was, the idea of children starving united them. This was the beginning of the Nest Rescue Center.
The All Saints Esabalu having established itself as the Nest Rescue Center, began its charity work of feeding the children of its parish. Soon it had over 50 children and 2 ongoing activities: Early Childhood Feedy and Education Program. Though they met in the small front room of the church they were still successful and more determined to proceed. The children were what mattered. In August of 2008, a new blessing came in the form of a building donated to the Center by the. This new building allowed for more room. Educational facilities. Healthcare. The hope and potential for a future seemed endless. Nest is a registered orphanage by Kenya government Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services and as a Non-profit in the United States in North Carolina by Dr. Wilber Mundia.
Charity work in Second Life has taken on a new meaning. The people come together stronger and more determined. Maseno Project sent out a call that resounded through all our hearts. This was one that touched each of us. Children. Our hope. Mimmi Boa, Miss Virtual World 2009 began this project last year in hopes of raising funds for the Nest Rescue Center. She was astounded by how many stepped forward and said I WILL SUPPORT. So many will and so many do. This year was no exception. Mimmi put out the call that she was starting up the Maseno Project II for 2009. Designers such as OC, Callie Cline, Addoro, Azul, LionSkin, Anubis, Bliss, Brenda Clellon, Arda, House of Beneingboroughm, Velvet Rythm, Gasoline, Emperor, Alb Fashion, Pb Collection, and Kokò came together to bring their designs to the runway for the first two shows of the Maseno Project II. These shows took place on April 17th (Evane) and April 19th (BOSL). Some of the designers contributed one of a kind dresses and skins for auction in order to help raise money for the charity event. If you attended the April 17th or the April 19th events you would have had a chance to bid on any one of the original designs. These are unique and will never be copied or sold again. Mimmi thanks the Designers who contributed the following designs that were auctioned at each show: April 17, Evane Event - House of Beneingborough "Flimsy" worn by model Tabata Jewell, Velvet Rythm "Kuki " worn by model Topaz Saunders, Callie Cline divine pink champagne bubble dress worn by Callie Cline, Emperor African dress + necklace worn by model Angel McMullen, Alb Fashion Black dress worn by model Mimmi Boa, Gasoline casual in black worn by model Jackson Vantelli, Pb Collection " Moonplanet red" worn by model Brittainy Collins, Kokò "Maseno" worn by model Ida Boomhauer. April 17th's Auction raised a total of 102,110 lindens for the Nest Rescue Center. The April 19th Show was sponsored by BOSL and took place in the Path Thibaud Auditorium. The designers contributed the following one of a kind designs to the charity: Addoro "Maxine" worn by model Liane Maertens, Azul "Black Dress" worn by model Mimmi Boa, Miss Virtual World 2009, Anubis "Alii" worn by model Poptart Lilliehook, Ardo "Maseno Man" worn by model Salvo Waydelich, Brenda Clellon "Angelica" worn by model Payton Heron, Bliss "Moonshine" worn by model Nino Heartsdale, Bliss "Queenie" & LionSkin "Zula" worn by model Afanaisa Eames, OC "Golden Lux" & LionSkin worn by model Olyvia Zenovka. The April 19th's Auction raised a total of 351,500 lindens, for a total of 453,610.
The shows were filled with not only members of Second Life there to support each other and this very worthy cause but also joined in fellowship and friendship. It was a chance to look around and see how stretching out a helping hand truly does reach across the world and through cultures and languages. Laughter, smiles, friendships, encouraging each other to top the other in bidding wars. This and more was the atmosphere of these shows. You could not help but feel the infectious happiness and joy that was running rampant throughout these shows. Children bring this out. The ability to laugh at ourselves, to play and see the world in harmless shades of rainbows instead of shades of grey. Donations are still available to be made. If you wish to contribute to this very worthy cause that is for the sake of our children please contact Mimmi Boa.
The following video link was produced by Lion Jonesford for the Maseno Project II:
For More information concerning Nest Rescue Center please visit:
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