Sunday, September 20, 2009

Halloween - A History in Darkness

Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. - Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

It is that time of year again. The crisp smell of Fall. Cornstalks tied to mailboxes. Colorful leaf piles upon the ground, spooky decorations and sounds, haunted Houses, bobbing for apples, or costumed children running from house to house yelling “Trick or Treat” in hopes of that precious piece of candy. Halloween has arrived. Halloween, the night when the fairies and souls of the damned come out to play. Though next to Christmas, probably the most celebrated holiday worldwide, let us take a step back in history and discover where it all began. Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, and costume parties, visiting "haunted houses" and carving jack-o-lanterns. Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century including Ireland, the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom as well as of Australia and New Zealand.

"The moon gazed on my midnight labors, while, with unrelaxed and breathless eagerness, I pursued nature to her hiding-places."—Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

Halloween, as it is known today can trace its origins as far back as 2000 years ago to the age of the Gaels and Celts. The eve was in fact, preparation for the following day, Samhain, the Celtic New Year. It is this day one must focus upon, not just the night before, in order to understand the importance of the celebration of what was to become our modern day Halloween. Ever since the time of the Druids, many customs, traditions, lore, and legends have evolved in celebration of Samhain , the eve of the Celtic New Year, October 31st which we now know as Halloween. It was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter. To commemorate the event, Druids built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities.

“Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides. Figures dance around and around. To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness, moving to the pagan sound. Somewhere in a hidden memory images float before my eyes, of fragrant nights of straw and of bonfires and dancing till the next sunrise.” – Lorena McKennitt All Souls Night

The tradition of the Halloween costume also dates back to the original celebration of Samhain by the Celts. They were known to dress in animal skins and heads, feathers and oils. Stories would be told and fortunes read upon this night. Though the veil thinned between the world of Fairy, Dead and Mortal realms this was still a time of celebration. With the coming of Christianity to the Celtic realms around 800 AD, the traditions of old were to take on a new form. The Church would bring about changes renaming the Celtic festival to All Souls Night and the Celtic New Year with All Saints Day, the celebration of all saints within the Christian Religion Society. The Church hoped by creating these changes they would be able to create a church sanctioned holiday. The eve of All Saints Day also was known as All-Hallowmas, what was to become our more modern rendition Halloween. As the time went on, the Church through their many efforts could not wipe out the traditions of the people. Though to take on names of various forms, the Celtic celebration continues and reforming itself as the centuries passed.

“Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork, and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing, for a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble.” - William Shakespeare, Witches in Macbeth

The Legends and Lore of Halloween are almost as important as that of the history itself, for these are the stories that give us our shivers. The tales that make us look within the shadows. Each tale of old holds a grain of history and tradition, in fact. Let us start with our tradition of placing a Jack o’ Lantern upon our porch. It has become a more modern tradition, one looked with anticipation, to go and pick the largest pumpkin from the patch. Carry the 50LB treasure home, clean it up, dig out the seeds and lay them to the side for a tasty roasted treat later. Finally comes the carving of a scary, spooky face and a candle placed to give an eerie glow. The historical Jack o’ Lantern, in fact, had a much more humble beginning then the one of American tradition. Originally made of Gourds, the lantern was just that, a lantern. The legend has it that once there was a blacksmith named Jack. His soul was so evil, that not only was he denied passage into Heaven but that of Hell also. He was condemned to wander the mortal realm for eternity, a lost soul. Travelers would carve the face of Jack into Gourds and place a candle within. Any who had to travel the road at night would carry these handmade lanterns with them in belief they would hold off the spirits and fairies. When the Irish began to immigrate to the America’s they brought with them their legends and history. Pumpkins were in more abundance then Gourds. This new world was more accepting and in fact welcomes these new traditions, adapting the stories and festivals until we now have our own version.

What fearful shapes and shadows beset his path, amidst the dim and ghastly glare of a snowy night! With what wistful look did he eye every trembling ray of light streaming across the waste fields from some distant window! How often was he appalled by some shrub covered with snow, which, like a sheeted specter, beset his very path! How often did he shrink with curdling awe at the sound of his own steps on the frosty crust beneath his feet; and dread to look over his shoulder, lest he should behold some uncouth being tramping close behind him! And how often was he thrown into complete dismay by some rushing blast, howling among the trees, in the idea that it was the Galloping Hessian on one of his nightly scouring!
- Washington Irving - From "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"

In our more Modern World we celebrate Halloween with a mixture of Old and New. We pick up a scary costume for this night of all nights, never understanding the historical significance. What does it matter? We gather with friends and go from house to house, shouting “Trick or Treat!” When one bob for an apple does one think that they may in fact be participating in an ancient rite of regeneration? Carve your pumpkins boys and girls. You never know what lurks behind the veil waiting to snatch your soul and have you dance with the fairies for eternity. For this is Halloween, the scariest night of the year.

Protect your property and yourself - make a Parshell!
by Bridget Haggerty
The Parshell is a Hallowe'en cross which is customarily woven on October 31st. It is placed over the front door, on the inside of the house, and is believed to help protect against ill-luck, sickness and evil spirits until the following All Hallow's Eve...
A new one was made the next year and the old one moved to another part of the house. Often, the old Parshell was placed in the barn to help protect the livestock. Custom decrees that on taking down the old cross, one must say "Fonstarensheehy." What this means, we have no idea, but we'll try to find out!
In the meantime, here are very simple directions for making a Parshell:
1. Two sticks, each about seven inches long.
2. Tape or string to tie the sticks together.
3. Straw or similar plant material; we purchased a bag of rafia at a craft shop and this works well.
1. Fasten the two sticks together at right angles to form a cross.
2. Begin attaching strands of straw at the center of the cross.
3. Moving clockwise, weave the straw over one stick and under the next, going around the cross. Stop before you get to the ends of the sticks- a few inches of stick should be exposed. Your Parshell is now ready to be attached over your front door, on the inside.
Caution: For your Parshell to be effective, it must be made on October 31st - you can' make it ahead of time, nor can you use Irish procrastination as an excuse and make it after Halloween.
Beyond making Parshells, here are some other things you can do to protect yourself on Hallowe'en:
If there are children in the house, they should be sprinkled with holy water; in the old days, a dead ember from the fire was put in the cradle.
To protect against being carried off by the fairies, it was the custom to carry a black handled knife or have a steel needle stuck in a coat collar or sleeve. If by chance, the fairies did lead a person a stray, he or she could confuse them by turning the coat inside out. The fairies would no longer recognize their victim and their attentions would be diverted elsewhere.
Wild fruit, such as blackberries, must never be eaten on Hallowe'en night or after that date because it was believed that the dreaded evil spirit, the Púca, had spat on it.
Should you meet up with the fairies, it is said that if you throw the dust taken from under your feet at them, they will be obliged to release any captive human in their company.
When throwing out water, one must always shout seachain! (beware!) or chughaibh an t-usce! (water towards you!). This warning enables the ghosts and fairies to step aside so they won't be splashed - something that must be avoided at all costs, lest you bring down their wrath upon you and your loved ones.
Finally, before retiring, you must be certain to place a portion of the evening meal outside for the fairy folk. Your hospitality will be duly noted (as will the lack of it!)
So there you have it , a fair flahoolagh of cautionary measures to keep in mind - or drive you out of it - this Hallow's Eve and Samhain. Shona dhuit Samhain - Happy Halloween to you!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

DeCuir Fireworks - 4th of July Second Life

It all starts with an afternoon picnic in the park. Everyone gathering around the BBQ for burgers and hot dogs. Potato salad, Macaroni salad, and chips in abundance. Softball in the field. It ends with everyone gathering on blankets while the children run around with sparklers waiting for the local fire department to set off the first boom signalling the magic of exploding stars in the sky. Welcome to the tradition of the USA's small town 4th of July Celebration. Many particle fireworks exist in an attempt to bring that atmosphere to Second Life, but one man, Henri Decuir, has taken virtual fireworks to a new level. Through the magic of his computer science degree the end results is DeCuire Fireworks, located on the Celebrations Sim. Join us as we sit down for a conversation with the virtual magician of exploding stars.

DeMerick and I smile as Henri approaches us. "Hello Henri, wonderful to meet you. What an aptly named Sim, Celebration, for the magician of the stars." He greets us in return with a smile on his own face. "Hello Brittainy. Hello DeMerick. Thank you for coming. Welcome to Celebration. Are you ready for an experience to WOW you like no other? One to share with your friends?" We both chuckle as he gestures to the boardwalk. As many readers know there are a large amount of wows to be had in this virtual world of ours. What could this magician possibly offer us which would be any different then what we have seen as of yet? I turn towards the steps and proceed up, fascinated by this promise of WOW.

A voice suddenly fills the virtual air, startling us a bit, "DeCuir Creations Fireworks Demo Launcher shouts: Please wait... preparing launchers for new show for Brittainy Collins!" I glance around, searching for the location of the voice, when I hear the voice shout once more directing my gaze to the space above the water just off the boardwalk., "DeCuir Creations Fireworks Demo Launcher: Launchers are ready! Now playing show for Brittainy Collins!" I watch as the first explosion in fact sets off a series of words welcoming me to my own personal show. With a grin of childish excitement I look up at the sky as the rocket show begins. Henri explains "The first effect you'll see are a few of our firework fountains. They're meant to capture the magic of the Bellagio's dancing fountains, mixed with pyrotechnics."

I gasp with delight as white shooting stars explode from the river before me, cascading into fountains of lights. "I feel like i am out on the Hudson River in New York again on the 4Th of July! This is truly amazing." I can now understand why he declares everyone will be left with a WOW. I continue to watch the show before me, listening as Henri explains how this creation he has brought from the real world into Second life in fact functions. He smiles at my obvious delight before me as he continues. "There are 19 different effects that you're seeing of fireworks, and 9 different pyrotechnic fountains. I try to make it easy for most of my users. They can simply load pre-made shows that will perform choreographed pyrotechnic displays or just click my "one click trigger" to watch a stunning two minute show. Alternatively, those users with a creative edge can use the built-in controls to queue up their own firework shows. You have full control over the timing, the altitude, the effect, and from which launcher the effects will fire out from."

DeMerick and I notice that the fireworks show also has explosions that state "Your Logo Here." Henri explains to us how this feature would allow various businesses to use the fireworks as promotional advertisement. "It would be a wonderful way to propose to someone." I laughingly mention. Henri smiles at my bit of humor responding "Funny you say that. I have an ad campaign on that very prospect. Or proposal?" We continue to watch the sky as the fireworks show is about to begin once again, only this time announcing DeMerick as the Guest of Honor. As the show continues he mentions we might want to turn our sound on, his eyes twinkling, for we are about to receive a treat. Not only has this Magician brought us the stars, but he has set them to Beethoven's Symphony #5! I listen with delight as the strains of this beautiful piece surround me, the stars exploding in time, and Henri continues with our conversation. Henri explains how many wedding and event planners currently provide the DeCuir Fireworks as a part of their various packages. His choreographed displays are sure to add a perfect touch to any fairytale event.

Having experienced two of DeCuir's so far, I witnessed the detail and realism of his fireworks. I ask Henri with fascination where he gains his inspiration for the various designs. "I watch a lot of YouTube videos of real firework shows, and I try to capture in Second Life what real life physics and gravity do with gunpowder. Whenever I see something new in real life, though, I often make a new firework. Current firework customers get any new fireworks I make for free." He explains as we continue down the boardwalk. As we slowly make our way around he points out different areas of interest on the Celebration Sim, such as park benches and gazebos. "We offer Residents of Second Life a unique experience. The ability to relax upon a park bench or dance within a gazebo while the sky explodes with color and stars. Fireworks are meant to be fun and memorable. An event you walk away from laughing and filled with nostalgia and tradition. Let us not forget the other important holiday." Henri looks to us as we all answer simultaneously "New Years!" We all laugh as we approach, what is in fact, the top of the empire state building with the New Years Ball. Standing back we watch as he begins the New Years countdown with a grin. He continues with his explanation as we watch the countdown "and at all events that can play a wedding we're preparing for family...New Years, we're celebrating a year of wonder and family and friends." Upon reaching zero fireworks explode everywhere with "Happy New Year 2009" lighting up the sky. Henri laughs explaining that he just could not bring himself to put away the New Years Ball after last year's celebration passed.

With the dying embers falling from the sky, it's time to head home. Like all those fantastic 4Th of July Celebrations of old, the day must come to an end with the knowledge that there is always next time. The memory shall linger. We turn and thank Henri DeCuir for a wonderful afternoon. Truly a Magician, Henri is someone who has captured the magic of our childhood memories, bringing it to Second Life for all to enjoy. As we were departing Henri DeCuir left us with these final words, "When I was looking for some fireworks to use for the 4th of July, I was pretty disappointed by what was already available. All I could find were boring particle fireworks that look like particles, not fireworks, with awkward control interfaces and very slow response times. I realized I wasn't going to find a unique, elegant system that would be able to do beautiful fireworks that would legitimately make my friends go "WOW". So, I decided to make some for myself, and this is what I came up with. My friends and I like them so much that I decided to share them with the rest of SL!"

Remember, whether you're looking for a wedding that's sure to sparkle or you're in the States and want to celebrate a Second Life 4th of July that is sure to bring back memories of picnics, softball and sparklers in the park, DeCuir Fireworks is sure to add WOW to your event.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Isla De Cocos

Welcome to Isla De Coco. Take a step into an environmental landscape that can only be described as breathtaking. Isla De Coco is a part of the Costa Rica Sims and is a virtual representation of Cocos Island, Costa Rica. The Island was developed by Advanced Virtual Solutions and is sponsored by the Costa Rica Tourist Board. Upon arriving you are greeted with the following information concerning the Isla De Coco: A virtual representation of Cocos Island, Costa Rica. This unique and wondrous island is home to the largest underwater scuba environment in Second Life. Explore the cloud forest island interior or dive beneath the waves with free scuba gear or by submarine and virtually witness one of the most bio-diverse places on earth. The Island has been nominated as one of the 7 Wonders of the Nature World, one can only appreciate the magnificent beauty Earth has seen fit to gift us with. The following Cocos Island article will contain an abundance of information gathered from various sources and sites. In doing so we can get a clearer picture of what the history, geographical layout, dangers, and life is like for plant and animal within this Rain forest. It is an educational delight for the environmentalist and those who feel deeply about helping to save the few untouched wonders we have left in our world. Let us take a trip to the Isla De Coco and savor what it has to offer.

"The Cocos Island, Costa Rica in SL project was developed for the Costa Rica Tourist Board by Lester Nefarious of Advanced Virtual Solutions (developer of the Visit Mexico Sims) with build support from Grace Loudon (terraform and landscaping), Kaikou Splash (underwater seascape development), Dizzy Banjo (sound scape and custom musical soundtrack), Naimon Brome (custom water), Kriss Lehman (custom vegetation), ArchTX Edo (custom wildlife), and Toran Cult (welcome area design)." - Lester Nefarious, co owner and founder of Advanced Virtual

In order to understand and appreciate what has become a rare gift of beauty, of flora, fauna, and aquatic life one must first understand what the history of this natural rain forest is, how it came about, what it means to the world, and what we can do as individuals to preserve it for our future and that of our children. The history of Isla de Coco is somewhat murky and often arguable as to where and who discovered the island. There are a variety of dates and maps showing when the island was discovered and location. The following information was taken from Cocos IslandJ. Lines (Diario de Costa Rica, May 12, 1940) cites Fernández de Oviedo who claims that the first discoverer of the island was Johan Cabeças. Other sources claim that Joan Cabezas de Grado was not a Portuguese sailor but an Asturian. D. Lievre, Una isla desierta en el Pacífico; la isla del Coco in Los viajes de Cockburn y Lievre por Costa Rica (1962: 134) tells that the first document with the name "Isle de Coques" is a map painted on pergamen, called that of Henry II that appeared in 1542 during the reign of Francis I of France. The planisphere of Nicolás Desliens (1556, Dieppe) places this Ysle de Coques about one and half degrees north of the Equator. (See also Mario A. Boza and Rolando Mendoza, Los parques nacionales de Costa Rica, Madrid, 1981.) Blaeu's Grand Atlas, originally published in 1662, has a colour world map on the back of its front cover which shows I. de Cocos right on the Equator. Frederik De Witt's Atlas, 1680 shows it similarly. The Hondius Broadside map of 1590 shows I. de Cocos at the latitude of 2 degrees and 30 minutes northern latitude, while in 1596 Theodore de Bry shows the Galapagos Islands near 6 degrees north of the Equator. E. Bowen, A Complete system of Geography, Volume II (London, 1747: 586) tells that the Galapagos stretch 5 degrees north of the Equator.* Though the the discovery of the island itself is the greatest mark in its history, there is many more points to look at. Other factors came into its development. Isla De Coco, like all pages of history, has one that is filled with death and loss of humanity. One could say that this was natures way of protecting itself against the wrath of mankind. Is it a lesson for us to learn from? Maybe. *In October 1863 the ship the "Adelante" dumped 426 Polynesian ex-slaves on the island, the captain being too lazy to bring them home as promised. When they were saved by the "Tumbes", one month later, only 38 were left over, the rest had already perished from smallpox. *Wikipedia* Continuing a look through the rich history of this lush green oasis we learn that in 1897 August Gissler, a known treasure hunter became the first Governor of Cocos Island and in doing so he established a short-lived colony upon the island. Cocos Island officially became part of Costa Rica by the promulgation of the Constitution of Costa Rica on November 7, 1949. On May 12, 1970 the insular territory of Cocos Island was incorporated administratively into Central Canton of the Province of Puntarenas by means of Executive Decree No. 27, making it the Eleventh District of Central Canton. The island's 33 residents, the Costa Rican park rangers, were allowed to vote for the first time in Costa Rica's February 5, 2006 election.

What would a tropical island's history be without the tales of Pirates and lost treasure? In 1699 Author Lionel Waffer first spoke of a legendary treasure amassed by pirates upon the Isla Del Cocos. The treasure is mentioned again in April of 1919 in a document drafted by a British Foreign Relations minister, who spoke of not one but three treasures. The most famous of all being the Lima Treasure. *The Lima Treasure allegedly consists of two dozen 300-pound crates of jewels and other valuables that once belonged to the Catholic Church and several wealthy families living in Peru in the early 1800s, before its independence. According to the legend, the treasure was en route back to Spain to be stored safely from the pro-independence forces marching on Lima, but was stolen by sailors of the English Merchant Marines and buried on Isla de Coco. The crates allegedly contain coins and golden and silver chalices, as well as a large image of the Virgin Mary laid in precious stones and jewels.*

"When we learned the island was being created in Second Life I contacted Lester first to congratulate him on an amazing project and told him how proud I was as a rl costarican to have the island in SL. Later I offered him the possibility of moving the island here as part of the Costa Rica Sims, a decision he said only the Costa Rica Tourism Board could make. After showing the Tourism Board what we have created here in SL, they agreed moving the island as part of the Costa Rica Sims was the perfect idea. For us as a private estate, it really is an honor that a government institution recognizes what we have done and trust us with the first virtual project by the government of Costa Rica." - Giancarlo Takacs, CEO of The Costa Rica Sims Estate

Isla Del Coco is a geographical map of flora, fauna and aquatics. Some species have been introduced into the rainforest habitat as the years have gone by allowing for inter migration of species development. At this time the biota, or plants and animal life (flora and fauna) are only partially known to the scientists and rangers living there. The same could be said for the aquatic and corals living beneath the ocean waters that surround the island. There is a constant need for advancement in research technique and development in order to understand the wildlife and plant-life that make up the Rain-forest. To this date there has been a significant leap in technology that has enabled us to gather more information and log it, but the research continues as does the constant discovery of something that was not known before about this lush paradise. Where has evolution played into this. How does the behavior of marine and freshwater species here differ from other islands?

The Flora and Vegetation on Isla Del Coco is as unique as the animal and marine life. In order to best understand the intricacies of the environment of this island we studied the information provided for us by the Costa Rica Tourism Board, found on the Island Beach. Some of which we have included here. The flora corresponds to the diversity of plant species in a specific area. The flora of Cocos Island is related to that of the continent, particularly with that of Central America and northern part of South America, and was dispersed by migrant birds, winds, ocean currents and floating materials. The highest percentage of species of vegetation on the island is similar to the flora of the bio-geographic area of the Guyanese-Amazonian provinces of the Neotropical region. This explains how reproductive and vegetative materials arrived from the continent to the island, which occurred at some time during the Pliocene-Pleistocene period. This occurred before the Central American isthmus was closed in the area of Panama and when the outflow from he rivers, including the Magdalena and Orinoco Rivers, emptied into a common sea where there was a westerly circulation of currents that transported botanical material to Cocos Island. Vegetation is understood to include the way that plants appear, develop and organize in a specific area. In general, the vegetation of Cocos Island corresponds to a Tropical Rain Forest, however, the following types of vegetation can be identified. Vegetation in littoral zones, which are located at altitudes under 50 meters and develop above rocky cliffs and in the lower parts of the valleys of the bays and inlets that surround the island. The most common tree species in that area are: Annona grabra, Erhytrina fusca, Ochroma pyramidalis and Cocos nucifera found on the high ridges, with an undergrowth of rubiáceas and solanáceas, a diversity of herbs (ciperáceas, gramínes, leguminos, malváceas) and ferns, both epiphytic and those that grow in soil. Therefore, from a botanical point of view, Cocos Island can be considered a separate bio-geographic unit in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. It constitutes a genuine botanical garden of tropical plants that include elements of several bio-geographical regions. An analysis of the current knowledge about the diversity of the flora, of its bio-geographical relationships and of its endemism, demonstrate its exceptional nature and its high scientific interest.

The Fauna, or Wildlife, of the Island is varied and diverse. The land mammals are few in species though do cause problems, especially the rat and wild pig population. Other land mammals consist of White Tail Deer, Cats and Goats. None of these animals are indigenous to the island and have been introduced to the environment by mankind. Whether on purpose or accidental, the island now has a growing population of mammals traditionally found in other geographical atmospheres. Other mammals to be found residing within the perimeters of Isla Del Cocos are the Bottle Nose Dolphins playing in the waters. Occasionally other sea mammals such as the false killer whale, the cuvier-beaked whale, the hunchback whale and the sperm whale have also been observed. Sea lions, another aquatic/land living mammal has taken up residence on the islands beaches, due to the warming of the waters in the aftermath of El Nino. Currently though, the greatest population of wildlife living within the rain forest is Birds. There are over 100 different species of birds living on the island with 13 various species that breed there. There are also several species that are endemic to the island itself. The flycatcher, the coocko and about 13 species of finch, including the Darwin Finch, named after Charles Darwin who used this finch to help develop his thesis on the evolution of this species. The warbler is also endemic to the Coco Island but it is also endemic to the Galapagos. There is also various Seabirds to be found nesting amongst the beaches of the island, the most famous is the Holy Spirit Dove. The Island has identified 2 Land Reptiles so far, a small lizard and a gecko salamander, and various sea turtles, though none of these turtles are endemic to the Island itself. No data and research show to date that these turtles in fact nest within the island. They visit here but nothing more.

"Cocos Island in SL was designed to replicate Cocos Island, Costa Rica, an uninhabited rain forest oasis in the Pacific Ocean and New Natural 7 Wonders of Nature ( nominee for Costa Rica, to raise awareness about the island ecological significance and the need for marine conservation. The site will introduce users to the wonders of Cocos Island through the most extensive marine world ever built in SL, which includes schools of sharks, an array of fish, spotted eagle rays and coral reefs, among others." - Lester Nefarious, co owner and founder of Advanced Virtual

The marine life is a wonder to behold. You could describe it in words but to experience it is truly the only way to appreciate what this Island offers us. Isla Del Coco offers us a chance to slip on some scuba gear and dive into the coral reefs for an under water exploration found no where else in Second Life. A chance to reach out and feel as if you could touch a hammer head shark or a tiger shark as it swims by. Glide past a moray eel. Sit upon an eastern Pacific green turtle's back and float. Play amongst the dolphins. Take a closer look at a coral reef. The list of marine life one can visit, study, and appreciate is truly astounding. The chance to reach out and bring to life something that you may not have understood or never had a chance to visit. Unfortunately, in reality, this extraordinary gift is put at risk everyday due to erosion, illegal fishing, economic and lack of funds. Mankind has introduced plants and animals non endemic to the island, which disrupts the atmosphere and climate. Pigs dig at the ground and the rains come it washes the dirt away leaving the foundation of erosion. Plant-life brought by mankind is reproducing with the natural plant-life of the island. though the Island draws one in with its beauty, uniqueness, serenity, the tourism itself disrupts the balance of growth and nature. This is where knowledge and research is most important. Where knowing how to bring about and help to keep the balance will ensure the longevity of this tropical rain forest.

In 2009 Coco Island was Nominated by the New Seven Wonders Foundation as one of the new seven wonders. Though they go up against 300 other well deserving natural environmental wonders, we can do our part in helping to make this beautiful Island stand out. Please go to and cast your vote. Each vote matters. Jacques Cousteau referred to Isla Del Cocos as “the most beautiful island of the world”. Lets show the world that his words in fact held truth.

Thank you to the following sites for information in helping to write this article:

Maseno Charity - A Gift For Our Children

The children. Their thoughts. Their beauty. Their artistic talent. The children are our future. They are ours to protect, cherish, mold and guide. Each child a blessing and a gift. A smile as precious as the rarest of jewels. It is our responsiblty to the children to do all that we can to ensure their future, for without them we have no future. Maseno Project is a step in protecting and giving them a chance at the future. We have a chance to be a part, in knowing that we changed the life of a child. Brought life, laughter, joy and hope back into one so young. Maseno Project II - A gift for our Future....

"Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends and honored guests. Allow me just a moment to say to you all, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I cannot tell you how much everyone’s work on this project to help the orphans of the Nest Rescue Centre in Western Kenya has meant to me. I started this idea, with a vision of having two or three small shows, and I must admit I am overwhelmed by the generosity and open hearts everyone has welcomed this project with, allowing it to grow into what you see today. I am overjoyed to think about what an impact we are about to make on the on these beautiful children, allowing for them to have a better life. Providing to them better food, better opportunities, and a lot of smiles! Alone, I can’t change the world. I am but a drop. But together, we have made an ocean of many drops. Every single person has contributed so much and with such an open heart, not only with time but the lindens that we are about to raise with this series of events that will help the Nest Rescue Centre. Thank you to everyone who has worked so endlessly to make this happen. I am so happy and proud at this moment in time." - Mimmi Boa, Miss Virtual World 2009 & Head of the Maseno Project II BOSL Event

The Maseno Charity Project is a unique story to unfold. One that told of humbleness, poverty, giving, and charity. It all began with a single man who was a simple farmer and father, yet took it upon himself to change the lives of many children. To give them hope and a future. John Okili, farmer, husband, and father, was taking his daily walks about his village. He would notice during these walks the number of destitute children without care and homes. Malnurished, unclothed, no one giving them proper care. It touched the father in him and the human soul to see children without smiles and laughter in their eyes. Their souls depleted. He became deteremined to help these children in any small possible way to bring the light back into their hearts. John Okili, is a religious man and consulted with Mama Fanny Mundia, where he sat in prayer and talks before approaching his church for help. He didnt expect large changes as his church and community was not wealthy by any means. In fact economically it was considered poor. Yet in his mind, John felt the children came first and something must be done. Alot of these children had been orphaned due to medical loss such as HIV/AIDS or other maladies. To even be able to feed them in his mind would be a small blessing. When John approached his parish church, All Saints Esabalu, he found that the church agreed. Poor though the parish was, the idea of children starving united them. This was the begining of the Nest Rescue Center.

The All Saints Esabalu having established itself as the Nest Rescue Center, began its charity work of feeding the children of its parish. Soon it had over 50 children and 2 ongoing activities: Early Childhood Feedy and Education Program. Though they met in the small front room of the church they were still successfull and more determined to proceed. The children were what mattered. In August of 2008 a new blessing came in the form of a building donated to the Center by the . This new building allowed for more room. Educational facilities. Healthcare. The hope and potential for a future seemed endless. Nest is a registered orphanage by Kenya government's Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services and as a Non-profit in the United States in North Carolina by Dr. Wilber Mundia.

Charity work in Second Life has taken on a new meaning. The people come together stronger and more determined. Maseno Project sent out a call that resounded through all our hearts. This was one that touched each of us. Children. Our hope. Mimmi Boa, Miss Virtual World 2009 began this project last year in hopes of raising funs for the Nest Rescue Center. She was astounded by how many stepped forward and said I WILL SUPPORT. So many will and so many do. This year was no exception. Mimmi put out the call that she was starting up the Maseno Project II for 2009. Designers such as OC, Callie Cline, Addoro, Azul, LionSkin, Anubis, Bliss, Brenda Clellon, Arda, House of Beneingboroughm, Velvet Rythm, Gasoline, Emperor, Alb Fashion, Pb Collection, and Kokò came together to bring their designs to the runway for the first two shows of the Maseno Project II. These shows took place on April 17th (Evane) and April 19th (BOSL). Some of the designers contributed one of a kind dresses and skins for auction in order to help raise money for the charity event. If you attended the April 17th or the April 19th events you would have had a chance to bid on any one of the original designs. These are unique and will never been copied or sold again. Mimmi thanks the Designers who contributed the following designs that were autioned at each show: April 17, Evane Event - House of Beneingborough "Flimsy" worn by model Tabata Jewell, Velvet Rythm "Kuki " worn by model Toapz Saunders, Callie Cline divine pink champagne bubble dress worn by Callie Cline, Emperor African dress + necklace worn by model Angel McMullen, Alb Fashion Black dress worn by model Mimmi Boa, Gasoline casual in black worn by model Jackson Vantelli, Pb Collection " Moonplanet red" worn by model Brittainy Collins, Kokò "Maseno" worn by model Ida Boomhauer. April 17th's Auction raised a total of 102,110 linden for the Nest Rescue Center. The April 19th Show was sponsored by BOSL and took place in the Path Thibaud Auditorium. The designers contributed the following one of a kind designs to the charity: Addoro "Maxine" worn by model Liane Maertens, Azul "Black Dress" worn by model Mimmi Boa, Miss Virtual World 2009, Anubis "Alii" worn by model Poptart Lilliehook, Ardo "Maseno Man" worn by model Salvo Waydelich, Brenda Clellon "Angelica" worn by model Payton Heron, Bliss "Moonshine" worn by model Nino Heartsdale, Bliss "Queenie" & LionSkin "Zula" worn by model Afanaisa Eames, OC "Golden Lux" & LionSkin worn by model Olyvia Zenovka. The April 19th's Auction raised a total of 351,500 lindens, for a total of 453,610.

The shows were filled with not only members of Second Life there to support each other and this very worth cause, but also joined in fellowship and friendship. It was a chance to look around and see how stretching out a helping hand truly does reach across the world and through cultures and languages. Laughter, smiles, friendships, encouraging each other to top the other in bidding wars. This and more was the atmosphere of these shows. You could not help but feel the infectious happiness and joy that was running rampamt through out these shows. Children bring this out. The ability to laugh at ourselves, to play and see the world in harmless shades of rainbows instead of shades of grey. Donations are still available to be made. If you wish to contribute to this very worthy cause that is for the sake of our children please contact Mimmi Boa.

The following video link was produced by Lion Jonesford for the Maseno Project II:

For More information concerning Nest Rescue Center please visit:

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ode to Pizza

When I sit I dream
I remember your aroma
your tangy sweetness filling the air

When I sit
I can feel the hunger stirdeep within
a taste
a touch
the needsatisfaction only you can quench

When I sit
I rememberhow you felt upon my tongue
The texture as my teeth grazed
as my fingers gripped you
firmly folding about you

I sit here now
For only you, Pizza, can bring me satisfaction tonight

The Mist

The Mist forms before me
A shadowy figure apears
My heart flutters
My skin feels alive
I step forward
Ever near
The figure stands still
Never moving
Never speaking
Yet my breath is harsh
I reach out through the mist
A touch A whisper
a heartbeat
A kiss
Breath merges with breath
Fingers entwine
Two bodies wrap and become one
Passion blooms
Heat boils around them
The mist disperses

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Loves Endless Dream

upon golden shores do we play
A touch a smile a glance
In lovers games we do partake
the clouds drift upon the sea
Loves endless dream

Bitter words flow out upon the waves
tears soaked into sand
fingers entwine hand in hand
Loves endless dream

Hearts press close
souls kiss and thoughts caress
a look behind as the path fades to dark
Loves endless dream

Turning walking forward side by side
the ghosts of the pasts laid to rest
Hand in hand strength united
Loves endless dream

A whisper in the night a brush of lips
skin to skin
Soul to Soul
Loves endless dream

So many wordsso many paths
So many memories good and bad
Do they make us stronger or tear us asunder
Loves endless dream

Others would say why go on?
I look up at them with clear eyes
Because I love him.
Loves Endless Dream...

Princes in the Tower

The willow doth say to the dove
Two babes of mirror though they say
Were born to royal upon this day.
Two babes the same came the herald’s call
Though not to know of lancaster’s fall

The dove doth say to the badger
Two children of the red rose play abound
Of battles and hunt and dragons with roaring sounds
Two children though they are peaceful at night
Know not of the white rose’s might

The Badger doth say to the doe
Two boys of innocence though they are
Two boys of mischief as they search afar
Two boys of whom whispers came
Of treachery and secrets of the same

The doe doth say to the squirrel
Two youths whom manhood quickly doth come
Two youths whom laughter brings joy to some
Two youths to whom York doth scorn
Whose blood will run freely the white rose’s thorns

The squirrel doth say to the willow gently
Two young men though they were
Two young men were to cause a stir
A threat to whom the house of york could not take

Two young men whose lives they were to forsake
Two young men in a tower ever so high
Two young men upon a cold stone floor do they lie
Two young men of whom are mirrors they say
Whose blood and life do run freely as they lay

All for the rise and the fall of two houses of power
Upon which lay a struggle in which two lives were to sour
A white rose whose thorns did prick
Two young men upon whom poison ran thick
The fall of Lancaster the rise of York
Which came about with a deadly fork

The willow’s branches which stood tall and strong
Bend at the beginnings as it listens to deaths coming song
It’s tears it doth bring about so freely
As it cries with sadness that can be heard quite keenly

Of two babes of mirror
Two boys the same
Of two youths of innocence though they did say
Their death comes about in this deadly game
Two young men with arms around one another
On deaths cold bed they did slumber
The willow doth weep and forever shall
Of innocence lost and never to again to be found

Small Town Girl

My sister called last night
Asked me if Iwas alright
I laughed and said I was great
We talked until it was late
of growing up and memories
those big city dreams of breaking free

I'm a small town girl
life in the city just a tilt a whirl
BBQ on a saturday night
Catching fireflies in the moonlight
Splashing in the creek
playing hide n seek
A hometown football game
church on sundays, it's always the same.
I'm just a small town girl...

Sitting on my porch, folks stop by
each has a story, its called life
Tales of laughter, love, and heartbreak
Larry's dog ate Susans Wedding Cake
Whose seeing who and what they were wearing
who died and whose a marrying
Folks head home the way they came
small town life its always the same

I'm a small town girl
life in the city just a tilt a whirl
BBQ on a saturday night
Catching fireflies in the moonlight
Splashing in the creek
playing hide n seek
A hometown football game
church on sundays, it's always the same.
I'm just a small town girl...

Each night under the stars, I give thanks
For my daughters, even their pranks
Children are ours to raise truth,
honor respect we praise
They grow and find their own way
small town values will always stay

I'm a small town girl
life in the city just a tilt a whirl
BBQ on a saturday night
Catching fireflies in the moonlight
Splashing in the creek
playing hide n seek
A hometown football game
church on sundays, it's always the same.
I'm just a small town girl...

Rose Rose

Rose Rose
Rose Rose Rose Rose
Shall I ever see thee wed?
I shall marry at thy will sire
at thy will

Ding Dong Ding Ding Dong
Wedding Bells on an April morn
Carve thy name on a moss covered stone
on a moss covered stone

Home hearth stone and keep
Will thou ever give me an heir
My love for you knows no bounds lord
Your son is born

Hark ye thy Heralds cry
Summon to battle once again
Carry thy rose upon thy shield lord
Upon thy shield

Swords clash a battles roar
Trumpets blare at a mid summers dawn
Knight and yeoman stand side by side
Defend thy crown

Hail sir pause a while
Did you see my lord from afar?
Was he noble was he brave?
Was he well?

Ding Dong Ding Dong
Funeral Bells on a Septermber morn
My love has died the rose blooms no more
The rose will bloom no more

Hey ho nobody home
Meat nor drink nor money have I none
Still I will be married
Hey ho nobody home

Rose Rose Rose Rose
Red Rose White Rose
Lovers Rose
Death Keening Rose

Friday, May 1, 2009

Virtual Girl Vs. Reality Girl 2

*looks up from serious moody contemplation* Oh its you. Haven't seen you around here in a while. So. The question today is the Greta Bare or the Ingrid Bare? *turns to you holding up one of each* which do you think? What do you mean you don't know the difference? How could you possibly not understand the difference? I mean this is Stiletto Moody. The Shoe of ALLLL Shoe. You live. You breathe. You worship. You do not say you do not know the moody. You always know the moody. *takes a deep breath and practices virtual breathing excersises. Turns to you with a virtual smile pasted upon virtual girl's face.* Anywho, I really can't blame you I guess for not understanding the importance of moodyness. I mean you obviously havent reached the level of fashion sense in order to appreciate this. It's ok. Someday you may be able to attain this. So what exactly can I do for you today? I mean last time you came you wanted to know what Second Life was. *Pauses to listen* Oh, you want to know how one begins a life here? Well that is completly dependent upon the Avatar. Each person takes a different path. Most who come into our Virtual World are clueless. They think woot free sex and clubbing. Then they discover the moodys. Oops sorry distracted. Tell you what. I need a little bit to think on this and to finish my shoe shopping. Can we get together in a bit? Thanks! Huggles!!!
Exit Virtual Girl and her Moodys

Enter Reality Girl shaking eyes darting
*muttering to herself* They all have detachable parts. Sex sex sex. It's always about sex. They even turn into horse people and have sex with each other. Freaky. It must be stopped. Consperacies all around us. Garden gnomes. Rabbits. Why do they have virtual rabbits and garden gnomes if they werent planning something. Prim babies!! They are procrating!! It must be stopped! I must discover a solution to this. Research. First I need coffee. I need more Coffee. I told them I knew things they didnt listen though. It's just getting worse. The numbers are growing. I need more coffee.
Exit Reality Girl shaking looking for coffee

Enters Moody Mad Virtual Girl
*sits twirling her Damselfly Irelynn Hair right leg extended as she twists it this way and that.* Ugh shadows. Oh you again. Sheesh you do have timing. Could you possibly get out of the lighting. I mean I am working here on my Moodys. This takes technique and talent. I mean you dont think I just walk in there and go oooh I want this pair cause they are sooooo cute. Buy them and off i go. Gawd when will people learn. *Gestures to the seat next to her impatiently as she clicks her toes again.* Moodyness is all about having the right attitude. The ability to stand amoungst any crowd and know that they will look at you and say wow now there is a woman. A woman I can admire. She wears Moodys. *turns and looks at you in horror.* How dare you suggest that they are only shoes no different then any other out there! That is like saying.. like saying that that white bread is no different then wheat bread because it is all bread. I mean these are no ordinary shoes. These shoes make you someone. They elevate you in status. They compose your personality. When you wear the Moodys you become a part of the phenomenom that can only be described as the Moody Family. *looks offended* You know what I don't think I want to talk to you anymore today. Especially not about your silly topic of jobs. You insulted Moodys, therefore obviously are low in fashion sense and intelligence. Why don't you go talk to that nutcase Reality Girl. She has no clue about Moodyness.
Exit Moody Wearing Hissy Fit Hair Twirling Virtual Girl

*Reality girl stumbles past holding a mocha latte with a double shot of espresso. Head twitching as she mutters*
I saw them. I saw them do things. Do bad bad bad things. They have monsters. I need to becareful. Have to protect myself. They will find me and try to get me in there. Can't let it happen to me. I won't let them take me to the rabbits or gnomes. They arent gonna have sex with me with their detachable parts. Perverted expieraments. Its part of a grand plan to see if they can control us. People are getting out of control out here so bring them into a virtual world. Make them think they can do what ever they want. When in fact they are being watched. They are being gathered like sheep and jacked in. Eventually they won't be able to tell Reality from Virtual. I won't let them take me. *takes a sip with shaking hands and stumbles off muttering more about the consiperacies of the government to take her and use her as a sex sheep*

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Virtual Girl Vs Reality Girl

Enter Virtual Girl brand new to Second Life
*looks around with excitment and wonder* Oh my god. Can you believe it. I am actually here. I am in Second Life. I can't wait. I have heard that everyone can become rich and famous really easy here. That they can transfer money from Second Life into Real Life. *nods at your question* It's true* My friends told me all about it. They explained that when you come into Second Life you start on newbie island. That first I will want to get a job. *glances down at self* OH MY GOD WHAT AM I WEARING!! *shudders in horror* I can't look like this. I really cant look like this. How am i to get a job if I look like some freakish freak! They told me that everyone looks beautiful. I look like like well I don't know what I look like. This is horrifying. *runs and grabs a hold of nearby person* Why do I look like this? What? What do you mean you dont talk to newbs. I am going to be rich and famous! You can't treat me this way. *exits virtual girl newb in her newbish panic*

*Enter Reality Girl*
Is she gone yet? *looks around* I swear the virtual world is going to take over one day. Its a conspiracy. One morning everyone is going to wake up to find they are plugged in. Its the Matrix I tell you. I mean come on. Everyone of them is beautiful and glamorous right? *stops* They arent? You mean even in SL there is imperfections? *shudders fearfully* Its a sign. Its going to happen. I mean come on. A world in which everyone leaves this world to go do what they do in this world? Work play have families have friends. Oh and sex sex sex sex. That is all they ever think about there. They are a bunch of sex maniacs. *frowns* It's not? You mean there is more to it then just sex? I think the Government is behind it all. I mean its why they are genetically enhancing rabbits you know. To make everyone think how cute and fuzzy they are. Only to bring them into your homes and in fact they spy on you. *drinks more espresso hands shaking from the caffiene overload* I know things. Lots of things. *stands up and falls over from the caffiene*

*enter Virtual Girl*

Has she stopped talking yet? Sorry, I booked when I saw her on my radar. Those Reality Girls can be so boring and such a drab. They go on and on about hips and wrinkles and weight loss. I mean come on. Like I dont deal with problems with my shape? They think it is just them that you slip into an outfit and all of a sudden your ass looks like it is 4 times the size of a house? I have to fight every day to make sure my clothes fit well. *holds up her shiny new blinding blinging shoes for you to admire* Aren't these just lovely? I have been shopping shopping shopping. There are some really great shops in Second Life. The people here are lovely. You wouldn't believe how cheap everything is. Only 10L and lots of things are just well free. All you have to do is sit in a chair. You can go and take a shower or watch All My Children and come back and you have these gorgeous shoes or the most awesomest dress ever. *What you want to know what kind of clothes I got? Why do you seem to be laughing at me? I got this really great dress that is like hot hot hot pink and electric green. I am going to be the best looking babe at the club tonight with my sparkling shoes and blinging earrings I picked up for 5L this morning. ugh well I need to head out. Gotta get some more shopping done. I need to fill up my wardrobe. I have decided I am going to be a model. The models are the ones who are the most famous. So I am going to be the most famous model in Second Life and be RICH. Lets talk some more tomorrow *calls over someone to help up reality girl* Have fun!!
Exit The Blingest Bling Bling Virtual Girl

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Abortion - Her Body Her Choice

What would a man say if he was left with the choice of an unplanned pregnancy. To have a child for some is a blessing, but it still should be a choice. The argument stems that life begins upon the moment of conceptions, but can that being think for itself. How does a mass of cells signify as a person. A woman should be allowed a choice. Her body, her choice. Should a woman who is raped be forced to carry the child of her rapist? What about a teenager? Should a child be forced to have a child?

* Half of all pregnancies in the United States United States, officially United States of America, republic (2005 est. pop. 295,734,000), 3,539,227 sq mi (9,166,598 sq km), North America. The United States is the world's third largest country in population and the fourth largest country in area. are reported by the mother as being unintended. More than one-third of these (1.1 million pregnancies in 2001) are to unmarried women in their twenties.

These pregnancies accounted for nearly half the 1.3 million abortions in 2001. Rates of teen pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy are higher among young unmarried women, lower income women, women with lower levels of education, and minority women--The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

Her body- Her choice.

How many men would oppose abortion I wonder if in fact they had to expierance first hand an unwanted pregnancy? I find it amazing that those who oppose abortion are of the higher income bracket. They can afford to support a family but what of those who cannot and wish to survive an every day life? Those who just feeding themselves is survival? How many who oppose abortion would feel the same if the security of their homes and bank accounts were ripped away and they had to live off the system and wonder each day how they would make it and if they could feed the child that they had no choice but to bring into this world.


Clinic services allow U.S. women to avert hundreds of thousands of
unintended pregnancies each year--and the births, abortions and
miscarriages that would follow.

Miscarriages Abortions Births

All clinic clients 199 602 641
Teens 47 100 147
<100% of poverty 71 237 333
100-199% 50 168 167

Source: Guttmacher Institute, 2008.

Again Her Body Her Choice

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welfare Reform - A child in the system

With each new presidency we hear a promise of welfare reform. A promise of better jobs and program availability. I say pause a moment. How often have these officials taken a true walk through the system? Lived a day in the life of a child in the system?

A child in the system lives a life of uncertainty, fear, low self-esteem and self conciousness.

A child in the system grows never understanding trust or love for they have never received either in which it wasnt taken away.

A child in the system lives behind shields and protective walls, never letting anyone close.

A child in the system never knows what it means to have a home and always looks for when they will come to take him away.

A child in the system does not understand the value of an education because they have never stayed in one school long enough to gain that value.

To a child in the system the words Mother and Father are just simply words without deeper meaning.

To a child in the system family is the people you live with for six months to a year then are placed somewhere new.

For a child in the system there is no happily ever after or rainbows.

A child in the system is afraid to make friends for fear they will see the ugliness that lives inside them that made their parents not want them.

A child in the system wonders every night why their parents didnt care, when someone will care, and are unable to see when those around them do care.

A child in the system grows to adulthood but they never leave behind the child in the system.

When these officials decide to reform welfare, maybe they should take a walk through the life of a child in the system.

Yes We Can - Anthem for a Nation

When the world watched the birth of a nation and wondered, the people of this new nation looked over the blanket of snow with freedom lighting their eyes and their hearts screamed "Yes We Can!"

When civil unrest split the young country in two the world looked and wondered "Will they survive?" The people turned to each other, stopped fighting, once more became one stating "Yes We Can!"

When the call to move westward flowed over this nation, the world watched and wondered "Will they achieve?" The people settled in wagons and moved forward with fists raised high "Yes We Can!"

When war came to the world, not once but twice, the world stopped and wondered "Can they lead us to freedom" The American People stood strong and proud, the light of freedom, that in the past shown so brilliantly in their ancestors eyes, now in theirs as they stared the enemy in the face and announced with determination "Yes We Can!"

When a man stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and declared he had a dream of equality for mankind in this glorious nation, the world paused and wondered "Can they succeed?" The people of this nation smiled with friendship, compassion, humility, and intergrity to its neighbor and said "Yes We Can"

When the Twin Towers fell to the greed and illogical ideals of others the heart of America was struck cold. The world stopped and wondered "Can they go on?" The American People's hearts wept, but the light of freedom and unity as they held one another showed once more. With fierce determination and conviction the American People looked to the world and declared with defiance "Yes We Can!"

Now with the sweeping economic crisis, global warming, reformation, political uncertainty, military unrest in the middle east the world stops and and listens as the question pours forth from so many uncertain hearts "Will the American People be able to lead us into the future?" My answer is a single voice echo the voice of a nation. "Yes We Can!"

Racism - A matter of choice

Words hold power. The ability to influence thoughts, emotions, actions and change. A single word can raise a nation or bring it to its' knees. It is our choice which words we apply to each other and situation. Racism florishes and diminishes upon these choices. The United States is a unique cornerstone in the world in that we are not built upon one race, instead we are like a Monet Painting, a merging of colors that blend to become something unique and beautiful. In this blossoming country of ours, the world gathers to become one. Martin Luther King spoke of a dream. His dream was one in which logic and the heart would prevail over words of fear, jealousy, hurt and anger. His words, his choices, were ones of unity not seperation. It is each individuals choice as to whether or not racism comes to light or fades into the dark. Racism is a word of uglyness and fear. It embodies narrow minded logic and does not allow the individual to see a more broader picture. Those who choose these words do not stop to think before they speak. This does not just effect one race but all.

A white youth, who listens to an African-American rap group and idolizes them, chooses to dress speak and embody what he percieves as his idols behavior. He encounters African-American youths and harsh words are thrown at this youth. Accusations of him trying to be "black" Negative attacks such as the term "whigger". All because he enjoyed and idolized a group not of his race. This just as much as a black woman getting on a public bus and wanting to go home from work, but being told she could not sit there because of the color of her skin, are forms of racism.

Racism is not Black vs. White. It is not White vs. Black. It is a matter of choice. We are a nation of free will. We are a nation that is truly a Monet Painting. Everyday we show the world what we choose to do and say and therefore not only shape our future but that of the world. Martin Luther's dream has been coming to pass for a very long time now. Let the Monet Painting that is our nation continue to come to life. Think and listen before speaking. For every action there is a reaction. Racism - the choice is yours.

One Voice

The United States is an amazing country. Still young and growing. Still stumbling as it grows from adolescence to maturity. Tradegy and crisis have struck this country on its journey of growth from the day it fought free to the present. Lessons we have learned the hard way and continue to educate ourselves and future generations in to progress in development of this country and its leadership in the world. Events, however minor or major they may seem in retrospect, have helped to shape this country. Our history, though not thousands of years old, already rich and embroiled in time. It started with one voice saying "I want to be free!" A single voice grew to hundreds then thousands. As the call grew and became a reality, those voices spread reaching across an ocean. A nation wanting to be born raised up its voices in support of each other and those voices became one. This was to become The American Voice. From the day the people of this nation stood up to its father and declared independence to the day the people once more stood together, this time against an enemy who tried to attack the heart and instead brought forth new life. History has shown the American People will stand with each in times of crisis, through wars, terrorism, natures wrath, health scares, racism, economic cricis and personal tradegies. The American people reach out to one another and give a helping hand to its fellow Brother and Sister. Neither the color of skin nor religious belief matter, for in the end when we raise our voices in joy, praise, humour, love, and in sorrow our voices become one from sea to shining sea. The voice of change, strength, integrity, compassion, hope, and freedom. Ours is the American Voice let the world hear us sing.