Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One Voice

The United States is an amazing country. Still young and growing. Still stumbling as it grows from adolescence to maturity. Tradegy and crisis have struck this country on its journey of growth from the day it fought free to the present. Lessons we have learned the hard way and continue to educate ourselves and future generations in to progress in development of this country and its leadership in the world. Events, however minor or major they may seem in retrospect, have helped to shape this country. Our history, though not thousands of years old, already rich and embroiled in time. It started with one voice saying "I want to be free!" A single voice grew to hundreds then thousands. As the call grew and became a reality, those voices spread reaching across an ocean. A nation wanting to be born raised up its voices in support of each other and those voices became one. This was to become The American Voice. From the day the people of this nation stood up to its father and declared independence to the day the people once more stood together, this time against an enemy who tried to attack the heart and instead brought forth new life. History has shown the American People will stand with each in times of crisis, through wars, terrorism, natures wrath, health scares, racism, economic cricis and personal tradegies. The American people reach out to one another and give a helping hand to its fellow Brother and Sister. Neither the color of skin nor religious belief matter, for in the end when we raise our voices in joy, praise, humour, love, and in sorrow our voices become one from sea to shining sea. The voice of change, strength, integrity, compassion, hope, and freedom. Ours is the American Voice let the world hear us sing.

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